The Business of Biotech is Calling. Regenerative medicine has the potential to heal or replace tissues and organs damaged by disease, trauma, or normalize congenital defects. The field of regenerative medicine encompasses numerous strategies, including the use of materials and de novo generated cells, as well as various combinations thereof, to take the place of missing tissue, effectively replacing it both structurally and functionally, or to contribute to tissue healing.
The top proposals will make a pitch presentation of 6 minutes to a panel of esteemed investment judges at BIONATION 2020. The winner will be awarded:
- $15K Canadian from Amgen
- 18 hours mentoring from Amgen for the year
- 1 Business Forum Pass for BIO 2020 Convention (value of $2300)
- 1-year membership to BIOTECanada with access to cost saving business
- solution programs
Applications Close – March 6, 2020
Finalist Announcement – March 20, 2020
Pitch Presentation – April 1, 2020 at BIONATION in Ottawa, Ontario
For more than 35 years Amgen has been at the forefront of biotechnology innovation including industry leading technologies and therapies to treat grievous illness. As we work to explore the next forefront of therapies and technologies in regenerative medicine area Amgen wants to identify early stage companies (targeted for Seed, Series A) developing innovative technologies and programs in this exciting field. Specific areas of interest include:
- Technologies for non-viral cell transfection
- Gene editing tools to create universal host for allogeneic cells
- Tools to measure cell surface markers
- Closed processing Tools (not significant bottleneck)
- Wondering what to submit? It’s easy!
- Your company’s mission
- The targeted market/patient population
- Description of your technology and the game changing innovation it will
- bring
- Upcoming key milestones (including financing)
- Commercialization strategy
- Management team and scientific advisory board members
- CEO must be available to present on April 1, 2020 in Ottawa, Ontario