“Based exclusively in P.E.I. CATC’s initial staff of six employees has grown to 21, with 17 technical scientists, research associates and technicians”: Margaret Magner
Writing in The Guardian of December 10, 2016, Margaret Magner says that with the grand opening of The Center for Aquaculture Technologies Canada research facility , Emergence client, CATC, is poised to attract global attention to Souris.
Magner writes that the CATC facility is located in a 21,000-square-foot building within the Souris Food Park and specializes in research and development and commercialization activities involving cold- and warm-water aquatic species as well as independent contract research services related to fish health, nutrition and genomics.
The Souris facility, the product of an extensive $6 million renovation, features research suites, molecular laboratories and wet lab space dedicated to fish health and nutrition trials.
Since 2012, CATC has invested $2.5 million in facilities and more than $200,000 in research and development while growing annual revenue by some $570,000.
“We began by providing laboratory services and expertise in aquaculture biotechnology to a small number of innovative companies,” say Dr. Debbie Plouffe, CATC vice president of research who oversees the facility. “In order to grow and participate in the global marketplace, we knew we needed to expand our facilities and our team.”
“We’re young, enthusiastic, and believe in the potential of our industry,” says Plouffe. “That’s the essence of our brand. We want to translate that optimism to the community and the Island that welcomed us – and create a one-stop shop for world-class aquatic research here in Souris.”