EmerGence Client wins recognition for PEI BioScience sector from BioTalent Canada

April 26, 2016

BioTalent Canada has announced the winner for its first ‘Catalyst’ Award, for the young employee who contributed most significantly to their Canadian biotechnology employer in the past year. CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL STORY! See the story on CBC by clicking HERE!

news555Mathieu-Marc Poulin of Delivra in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island has been announced as the winner of the 2016 Catalyst Award.

Mr.  Poulin’s employer, Delivra, is a biotechnology company developer of transdermal technologies that introduce pharmaceutical and natural molecules into the body through the skin, rather than via pills.

As part of a multi-disciplinary research team, Poulin’s input as Research and Development Technician helped Delivra secure funding from Canada’s National Research Council’s Industrial Research Assistance Program. His research was also instrumental in Delivra’s development of new transdermal products.

delivra-logoDelivra is a full member of the PEI BioAlliance’s EmerGence BioScience Business Incubation program.

“Importantly, BioTalent Canada’s wage subsidy program allowed us to mold a new graduate into a great fit within the research team and we’ve been impressed at how far Mathieu-Marc has come in such a short period of time,” says Dr. David C. Baranowski, Director of Research at Delivra.

“There is no doubt he’s an essential member of our research department and we look forward to translating his research into the marketplace.”

Catalyst Award applicants were evaluated along four criteria: Their contribution to their employer’s company culture and sense of innovation, their contribution to achieving of a team’s or company’s business objective and the degree to which they assisted their employer in overcoming a business challenge.