Welcome to new Emergence client, Chef Low Cal Foods Inc.

December 27, 2017

We are happy to extend a warm “EmerGence welcome” to our newest client, Lethbridge, Alberta-based Chef Low Cal Foods Inc. Welcome to Canada’s bioscience incubation program! Learn more about Chef Low Cal here!

ChefLowCalLogo2E2Chef Low Cal’s products are patent-pending, all-natural, GMO-free, partial flour substitutes that eliminate approximately 70% of the calories and carbohydrates in any flour-based food product.

The ingredient is available in gluten-containing and gluten-free variates and is approved by both Health Canada and US FDA.

Chef Low Cal Foods Inc. provides both calorie and carbohydrate reduction, while preserving the organoleptic qualities of any baked goods or pastas.

Chef Low Cal is initially being marketed to large bakery companies and suppliers of Canadian grocery chains, to be followed by export of the same to the balance of North America and the world.

For further information, click here!