by PEIBioAlliance | Oct 1, 2016 | Clients, News, Partner, Services
Is your company working to establish a closer relationship with a potential international customer, collaborator or investor? Through the support of the International Business Development Agreement (IBDA), the Atlantic Canada Bio-Industries Alliance (ACBA) is...
by PEIBioAlliance | Oct 1, 2016 | Conferences, News, Partner, Services, Team
Emergence Director, Martin Yuill, will be a featured presenter at the upcoming BioPort Conference in Halifax. Martin will participate in a “Highlights and Opportunities” panel that will take place at BioPort Atlantic in October 2016. The “Highlights...
by PEIBioAlliance | Sep 29, 2016 | News, Services
The EmerGence Incubator community is growing – along with our PEI-based incubation program for innovative bioscience & food startups and growth SMEs. An expanding incubator program means more events to share, more news to discuss, more value-added...
by PEIBioAlliance | Sep 23, 2016 | News, Services
Prince Edward Island’s bioscience industry says that the rapid growth of the sector has fully utilized available laboratory and incubation facilities, and new infrastructure is required to support new business attraction and local company expansion. Emergence...
by PEIBioAlliance | Nov 17, 2015 | Clients, Conferences, News, Partner, Services, Uncategorized
A partnership between the Emergence BioScience Incubator and MaRS Market Intelligence Services will boost the competiteveness of Atlantic Canada’s bioscience businesses by giving them access to proprietary information on national and global markets. Entrepreneurs in...
by PEIBioAlliance | Oct 20, 2014 | Clients, Conferences, News, Partner, Services
The Prince Edward Island BioAlliance will receive up to $3.8 million in federal government funding to support the growth of bioscience-based companies in the province. The announcement was made in Charlottetown by the Honourable Gail Shea, Minister of Fisheries and...