“The EmerGence Alert” Launches

The EmerGence Incubator community is growing – along with our PEI-based incubation program for innovative bioscience & food startups and growth SMEs. An expanding incubator program means more events to share, more news to discuss, more value-added...

New Faces at Natural Products Canada

Our friends at Natural Products Canada (NPC) have welcomed two new faces to the organization’s Charlottetown head office. Karen Wight, VP Investment and Finance, and Stephen Ball, Regional Director of NPC-Atlantic, joined the NPC team in September 2016. “We are...

Welcome to new EmerGence Client: Noblegen Inc.

EmerGence is excited to welcome new client, Noblegen Inc., to our incubation program. Noblegen Inc. is an advanced biotechnology company that is focused on “the generations of tomorrow and the environmental challenges of today”. As an advanced bioproducts...