Our Latest News
Read more about the latest news and events happening with the Emergence Incubator and our clients.
International BioPartnering – Call for Applications by Emergence clients
Is your company working to establish a closer relationship with a potential international...
Emergence Director, Martin Yuill, to Present at BioPort Conference
Emergence Director, Martin Yuill, will be a featured presenter at the upcoming BioPort Conference...
“The EmerGence Alert” Launches
The EmerGence Incubator community is growing - along with our PEI-based incubation program for...
New Faces at Natural Products Canada
Our friends at Natural Products Canada (NPC) have welcomed two new faces to...
BioAccelerator Project: “A Priority for Bioscience Sector Growth in PEI”
Prince Edward Island's bioscience industry says that the rapid growth of the sector has fully...
Welcome to new EmerGence Client: Noblegen Inc.
EmerGence is excited to welcome new client, Noblegen Inc., to our incubation program. Noblegen...
EmerGence Client, RPS Biologiques Inc., a semi-finalist in BioInnovation Challenge
The semi-finalists have been announced for the 2016 BioInnovation Challenge. One of the eight...
Emergence Client, IWT, launches world-first solar powered mobile wastewater treatment solution
Emergence bioscience business incubator client, Island Water Technologies (IWT) has announced the...
Emergence Clients dominate IPEI Awards in Bioscience Category
Our friends at Innovation PEI recently announced almost $700,000 in funding for 14 PEI companies...
Emergence Client, Canada’s Island Garden, Showcases new Medical Marijuana Facility
The President of Emergence client company, Canada's Island Garden, Edwin Jewel recently gave media...
EmerGence Client, IWT, announces unique clean tech wastewater treatment technology
Members of the bioscience community are invited to join EmerGence client company, Island Water...
Emergence Client, AES, celebrates first sale of industrial scale Supercritical Fluid System
Emergence Incubator client company, Advanced Extraction Systems Inc. (AESI) of Charlottetown,...
EmerGence Client, Delivra, Signs Technology Licensing Agreement with Kalytera Therapeutics
PEI's Delivra Corp. has announced that it has entered into a technology licensing agreement with...
Meet Dr. Chris McGibbon: a Research Partner to EmerGence client, Vitrak
‘The way that we walk is a lot like a fingerprint, it’s quite unique.’— Patrick Connor, ViTRAK In...
EmerGence Client wins recognition for PEI BioScience sector from BioTalent Canada
BioTalent Canada has announced the winner for its first ‘Catalyst’ Award, for the young employee...
Welcome to new EmerGence Client: Retrievium Inc.
Immeasurable amounts of data and specialized algorithms help us map out travel routes and provide...
EmerGence client, Vitrak, researching how people walk for new floor sensor products
In an article published by CBC News entitled "P.E.I. company researching how people walk for new...
Emergence Client, Nature’s Crop, achieves International Certification
Kensington, P.E.I.-based Nature’s Crops International has achieved more success – this time...